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How do you Increase your Microsoft Secure Score?

Get ideas to strengthen your security posture

Article by sdanquah@gmail.com

How do you Increase your Microsoft Secure Score?

Published March 8, 2022, 8:06 p.m. by sdanquah@gmail.com

Yesterday I talked about Microsoft Secure Score and why organizations using Microsoft 365 productivity applications should work toward increasing their secure score. Microsoft secure score is a quantitative measure of your IT environment resiliency to cyberattacks. While a higher score does not mean you will not be attacked, it guarantees stronger resiliency and better strategy to mitigate cyberattack.

Microsoft Secure score helps organizations to:

  • Report on the current state of the organization's security posture.
  • Improve their security posture by providing discoverability, visibility, guidance, and control.
  • Compare with benchmarks and establish key performance indicators (KPIs).

So how does an organization increase its secure score?

Microsoft Secure score can be found in the Microsoft 365 Defender Portal. You need admin access. At the portal, Microsoft list your organization secure score and a list of recommended actions to take to increase your score. You could try implementing the recommendations with your MSP.

I recommend attending one of Microsoft Workshops with a Microsoft partner. The workshops include an assessment of your IT environment to find and address vulnerabilities in your IT environment.

These workshops help organizatins to :

  1. assess your security posture and uncover risks to your current environment
  2. leverage Microsoft cybersecurity experts to realize the benefits of the latest tools
  3. receive customized reports and document your security strategy for key stakeholders
  4. build a plan with actionable steps to accelerate your security journey

At current, the following workshops are available upon request

  • Threat Protection – This workshop help you assess your IT and security priorities and initiatives with guidance from cybersecurity experts
  • Azure Sentinel-Identify active threats across identity, email, and data in both on-premises and cloud environments.
  • Hybrid Cloud Security-Discover threats and vulnerabilities in your hybrid environment using Azure Defender
  • Securing Identities-Gain insights into sanctioned and unsanctioned apps used in your environment
  • Discover Sensitive Data-Obtain a Data Protection Baseline assessment report with suggestions and key improvement actions
  • Manage and investigate Risk-Assess your data protection performance relative to key data protection standards and regulations

If you are interested in any of these workshops or the overall health of your IT environment, have a conversation  with your Microsoft partner or you can contact me by filling out this form.

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